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Thursday, December 29, 2005

The year gone by

Its that time of the year again, when we dutifully look back, trying to figure out what we have done with our lives during the past year, and then make plans, build hopes for the year thats just waiting by the door. I wanted to write this tomorrow, but not sure if I'll get the time. Let's see, what did the year 2005 do to me? Well, this year Murphy's law caught up with me and everything that could go wrong went wrong. Only last friday, I was sort of relaxed, having tea with my friend, thinking that at last, the year is coming to an end, only one week to go, nothing else to go wrong now, and I was so happy hoping for a better year, when my sister called and asked me to come to hospital, my nephew was being admitted there. Four days, that little fellow went through hell, and I was like what the bloody heck ........ But no, this is not the time for whining. Count your blessings remember? So I gotta count now. The biggest blessing for me is that I've been reminded to count my blessings :-). Got carried away a little I guess, stopped counting and started asking for more. But now, I even stopped asking why me? Only to a certain point you see. After that, one almost stops caring. So, here goes a list of all that I've been blessed with in the year gone by -

  • Money to spend on books, dvd player, dvds and a computer :-)
  • Joined guitar classes, bought a guitar and started practising
  • Strength to withstand everything without ever breaking infront of others
  • Survived a couple of accidents, Thank you God
  • Minor health problems, could have been worse right?
  • Prayers answered with a Yes :-)
  • Some dear friends' problems were solved and wishes came true
  • A harmonica, learnt to play a couple of tunes on that
  • Lots of memories to live with and fight against

That's quite a lot more than what I had hoped for. Looking forward to another wonderful year. May God bless one and all. Happy New Year to myself, all the people I love, all the people who love me and to everyone else :-).


Anonymous said...

This reminds me i gotta do my list.. kewl blog. I am a first time visitor. will visit again :)

CC said...

hi tiya
thanks for stopping by :-)
glad u liked this place.
happy new year :-)