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Friday, December 16, 2005

I feel so sorry

for Ganguly. This is definitely not what he deserved. To me, it looked like he came to terms with his ego, understood what was wrong with him and showed the will, the determination to change things. And look what he got for it. It wouldn't have been so painful had he not been considered for the series at all. He would have worked harder. Tried harder. It wouldn't have been so painful had he not performed in the match, had he got out cheaply, tamely as he did on a lot of prior occasions. India won the match and he played his part. He showed that he was willing to change. He looked comfortable in the crease. He showed the world and himself that all was not over for him. And he gets dropped. Now what would he say to himself? How would he convince himself? Must be really hard on him. The reasons this time - he's not consistent with the bat, he is not threatening enough as a bowler and his fielding is a liablity. And to think that he was taken as an all-rounder for the first two tests. Didn't they know it then? Or as Gaurav said here, are they scared that they may not get a chance to sack him later if he comes good in this series? Whatever it is, I wish Ganguly wouldn't take it to heart and show the bunch of jokers what is the stuff he is made of. All the best Dada.

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