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Monday, December 05, 2005

The results are out

Now I know what's ailing me. And I'm so relieved. Got the MRI reports today. Went through the report while waiting to meet the doctor. Was so glad to find the word normal written at so many places :-). The findings - straightening of the lumbar spine - that the doctor had already told me - that my lower back somehow had straightened itself, it was supposed to be curved; And a mild scoliosis with convexity to the left side. Whatever that is, the word mild gave me immense relief. The result of the pain is a bulge in the disc which is pressing the nerve that goes into my left leg. The doctor advised physiotherapy for a week. Depending on how I respond to the treatment, further course of action will be decided. Now that doesn't mean there is no cause for worry. Because, this seems to be the final stage before the disc comes out. That is what we call slip disc. And then I'm doomed. So, I got to be very careful from now on. Take good rest. No lifting anything. No riding bike :-(. Got to cut down on that. Take good care of my back. And attend the therapy sessions without fail. When the doc said physiotherapy, I remembered that, sometime ago, when I went to another doctor in another hospital, even he had advised the same but at that time, the pain wasn't so much and I neglected :D. Had I taken the therapy then, I guess this situation wouldn't have come. It could have been worse. Thank God it isn't. Anyway, I got to take good care of myself from now on.

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