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Friday, November 18, 2005

Visit to the doctor

Atlast, I got to see the doctor today. I told him that I'm able to walk without much problem but the pain is still there when I sit/stand/sleep/move whatever. He examined me, stretched my leg and asked me to continue the medicines but this time to reduce the dosage. Earlier he had asked me to take 2 tablets a day. Now he asked me take only one. For 10 more days. And further he advised me not lift any weights, take rest when the pain is more and to always sit with my back erect. Well, scared as I was, I asked him what could be wrong. He shrugged it off saying it was a back problem, a disc problem and I should observe these precautions. Then I asked him if I should come back after 10 days. "Only if you have a problem" was his response. Somehow after today's visit, I'm more scared rather than feeling better. I dont want to listen to somebody saying "if only you had realised earlier, we could have saved you". Stupid it may seem, but Iam scared. And I've decided I'll go to another hospital tomorrow.

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