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Tuesday, November 29, 2005


After lunch, we took a jeep and went on sightseeing trip. 6 places altogether to be seen. It was only for the first timers and so, I went with them just for the fun rather than actually sightseeing. We took them to all places and while the first timers enjoyed themselves, we regulars had fun. By the time we reached the end of the trip, the tiredness began to show. It was 5 pm by the time we returned to the rooms. Everyone wanted to take rest. Me, madhu and subbu went to have some masala tea :-). After that, we went to the room to take some rest. It was decided that we'll rest for may be an hour and then go back to the temple and sit at my favorite place. When we went to the room, we were not surprised at all by what we saw - everybody was already into deep sleep. Jack was on the phone. So, we three just rested and talked about everything. It was time to remember our batchmates in CRR. Inbetween, jack joined us and the conversation just went on. After may be an hour and a half, we decided it was time to go out. Enough of rest, we thought. Went out, had some snacks and went to the steps. Sat there for a good one hour talking about this and that. Then it was dinner time. Went back, had dinner and went to the room. One unfortunate incident happenned at this time, which sort of brought some discomfort between us. But knowing jack well enough, I knew I could set things right. And I did, when we came out again after taking some rest. From then on, it was as usual again, strolling around the temple, sitting on the steps (I just love that place), chatting on and then going back to the room, getting ready for darshan, standing in the queue, and waiting. By 1:30, we were in the queue. But we had to split up because the girls didn't get ready quickly enough. And when they came, they brought their mobiles, which is not allowed. So, they had to submit the mobiles at a counter and again join the queue at the end because of which they were far far behind us. Anyway, by 2:45, everyone was inside the temple, waiting for the doors to open. There were many VIPs I guess, so even though we were very early into the queue, we were still way behind in the temple. So, it took a long time for us to get a glimpse of the Lord from the outside. I was wondering what did I do that he's keeping me waiting for so long :P. But, this time, the darshan somehow was different I felt. I think we got to stay longer than usual, though the people were pushing us urging to move on. When in the temple looking at the Lord, I think nobody can think of anything else. We finished everything and were out by 4. After collecting the laddus, it was time to disperse. Jack and kanna were to stay behind, they were not coming to bangalore with us. Ourselves and the chennai brigade quickly packed and left. We dropped the chennai people at the busstand and went to Alamelumangapuram. I was dead tired by then, the previous day's fasting showing its effect now. So, I just sat in the vehicle while the others went in. Once they came back, we quickly went to the busstand, only to find out that the A.P.S.R.T.C. volvo at 8:45 was cancelled and the next one was only in the afternoon. Quickly went to the ksrtc counter. There, one bus was ready to leave. Next one was after 12. So, we got on to the bus, but only after confirming that he would stop for breakfast :-). Bought some biscuits to have in the meantime. The moment bus started, everyone drifted off into sleep. I guess I was the only one awake, though even I dozed off for small amounts of time. And so it was that the trip ended, and somehow I feel I got closer to Balaji after this trip :P.

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