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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Don't drink or drive

Looks like driving in this city is getting far more dangerous than drinking. Saw an accident yesterday while going home. Looked like a bike was hit by a car, the biker lost balance, went over the divider and was hit by a bus on the other side of the road. When I passed by, they were just taking the person out from under the bus. Was so disturbed. Now I didn't actually witness what happenned and so I don't know whose fault it was. But as if driving on these roads itself is not harrowing enough an experience, have to see such things. And still I see so many people driving so recklessly as if the road is their grandfather's playground. They may not care for their lives but they should remember that their irresponsibility might cost someone else their life. I HATE these *&^%$*#&*@&#^

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