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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

5 lessons for IT pros from Team India

These are the lessons, in order.

Lesson #1: Discover yourself when on the 'bench'
Lesson #2: Be flexible
Lesson #3: Work on the weakness or be replaced
Lesson #4: Believe in the leader who has a vision
Lesson #5: It's all about teamwork

Well, the 'bench' concept, I guess came from the IT industry only. But the other things certainly apply to other areas of your life as well, not just your career I guess. Being flexible definitely helps. We may not be replaced if we do not work on weaknesses, or may be we will, say in a relationship :P. The leader, has to be God. Believe in Him, He knows best. And it's all about teamwork, whether it's family or a community or a country. Very valuable lessons indeed :-).

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