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Friday, May 12, 2006

My treasure

I have a treasure known only to me
it has lot of things, big and small, beautiful and ugly
i carry it with me all the time, but nobody knows abt it

we collected this together, whereever we've been
oh those beautiful gardens, rivers and moutains we've seen
every little incident makes me think of something in there
and reminds me of a story
stories we wanted to share with each other
when we grew old and lived in a place of our own

then the storm came, and I lost my way,
I let go of you, to save myself
I woke up in a desert, with nothing left but my treasure
i decided to walk alone, carrying my baggage
but I dont know whether to look out for you, or you have moved on
whether you have treasured your collection or threw it away

my mind says its no longer a treasure but a burden
leave it right here or bury it in the sand,
walk this way and you will enter a beautiful land
theres always someone and you can always start afresh
same promises of treasures and stories, dreams and stuff

clinging on to the past makes no sense it says,
dont be a fool and ruin your present and future,
Its time to think of your own life, every one else is doing the same
whatever you say is trash and your excuses are lame

but the fact is the present will be past in a moment and
I dont care for a future without you
with only hope and faith on my side, I have decided to come back,
please wait for me on the other side, Im coming for you
I still have my treasure, and I hope you are carrying yours too

Inspired by this

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