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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A fitting end

to a long month after all our effort and hard work. Been to Suwon, Korea on official purpose. The weeks before that were spent in the preparations. Was pretty annoyed, frustrated, tired, confused all at the same time. The 10 days spent in Suwon were worse, except for the one sunday we kept aside to go out and visit some places. And we visited the Seoul Grand Park. That was a day well spent. Watched the dolphin show. Amazing. Got to see a Gorilla. And some more animals, a snow leopard, several wolves, crocs, and llamas. The best day, however was the one after the demo, which was spent in the way I like the most to unwind - get drunk and dance :-). After so much hard work and so much frustration, that was a wonderful evening. Tasted different varieties of Korean drinks, and a Turkish drink, Ruck, I dont know how to spell it, seems it is made of grapes and ana seed, whatever that is. Tasted like sweet sonf. After dinner, went to dream land or something, seems the biggest night club in Asia (or the world, I dont remember). And had some more beer :P. Cool place. Not sure what music was being played there. Remember some people singing on the stage, cant recall which language/song they were singing :P. And there we were, jumping Bhangra types and doing my favorite dance, what I call the savam dance, Prabhu deva's folk steps :-). And we had to catch a flight the next day at 9 am. Our cab was scheduled to arrive at our dorm at 5. And we didnt even pack. Reached the dorm at around 11. I went straight to my room and fell asleep. Wonder how my colleague would have felt at that time. May be he had planned to throw a bucket full of freezing cold water on me if I didnt wake up on time.
Thankfully, he put all my things in my suitcase. And I woke up at around 4. Hurriedly got ready, made sure all the things were packed and left. What a lovely evening that was.

1 comment:

CC said...

hey how r u? got your hands full havent you?
I've been following your writings all the while