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Monday, May 15, 2006

A case study

The Great Indian Horse-shoe Company received an order from Mr. Bugger to make a horse shoe based on the new technology that he dreamt of the night before, one that would revolutionise the future of all horses. The company gladly agrees to study his technology and make the horse shoe. Now, to show that their shoe works, they build a wooden horse from freely available spare parts (thank the free horses for your kids foundation). They dont have the slightest idea how the frigging horse works but sure they made a horse and it was able to run. They show this horse to Mr. Bugger after fitting the new horse shoe and he isn't satisfied. He's concerned about why its tail isn't flying when it is running, and how come all of its legs aren't the same size. He's also asked the company to measure how much pressure is being put on the horse's foot when it wears their shoes and when it wears the existing shoes. This new technology is supposed to reduce this pressure by a whopping 50% you see. And it is supposed to help horses run 3 times faster. So, the company is now supposed to measure how fast a horse wearing existing shoes can run and make sure their horse runs faster than that. 3 times. And make sure that its tail flies when it is running. The company promises Mr. Bugger that everything will be done and asks the manufacturing guys to do the needful. So they build another horse using the same equipment, fit it with existing shoes and show him that the tail not flying has nothing to do with their shoes and even with existing shoes, the wooden tail doesn't fly. They also give all the measurements he had asked for. Then he asks, please investigate why the tail isn't flying, because all the measurements you have given are meaningless unless the tail flies when the horse is running. If the fault lies with the equipment you have used, then please find out what the fault is and fix it. At any cost, we need to prove that our shoes are better than existing ones. . The manufacturing guys are now pissed off, they say its none of their business, all they agreed to make was the f****g shoe and they dont care a damn about the horse's tail. The company is in a quandary now, trying to decide whether to fight with the customer or to fight with their own guys. Who's wrong in this story and what needs to be done now?

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