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Monday, January 23, 2006

Shutters coming down on the den

Our office is moving to new building on 26th. So me shifting house. Moving to a friend's place. Though it is not as near to our new building as I'd have liked, couldn't find a new place that would suit me in the limited time that I carried out the search in. And I gotta move out by end of this month. And thinking of that makes me sad. I'll miss this place for sure, the place I termed The Den. And myself the Lion :-). We moved into this house on 30th Jan last year. Liked this place the moment we saw it and though it was a little far from the main road, it wasn't a problem because we had bikes :P. The location was good, a true residential area, peaceful and quiet (except for the stupid dog in the house infront of ours that used to bark relentlessly and rhythmically, man the barking really got on my nerves and almost drove me crazy). For the past 6 months, I've been staying there alone. And I really enjoyed myself during this time. Used to walk all the way to the main road. These walks alone are really useful, I feel everybody should be doing that regularly. Used to think about so many things, reflect on people's behavior, my actions, life in general. Play instruments when happy. Listen to music when feeling a little down. Watch stupid movies and dumb serials on tv :-). Read. I had all the time for myself. Some weekends I used to go to my friend's place. But my heart always longed for the comfort of my den. They never understood why I wanted to go there and what I'd do there all alone. Initially I felt like this house was very unlucky for me. So much has gone wrong and nothing is how it used to be. But it was ME who did everything damn it not the house. It was this house where I used to hide when I felt like I could not face the world. It was this house that was like a true friend, always there, to whom I could always return to, no matter what day, what time. It was this house that has witnessed what none of my closest friends had ever seen and has heard so many things they had never heard. And there's only one week left for me there :-(. I'm going to miss living alone. Though the people I'm going to stay with are very close friends, it's still not going to be the same. No more playing the guitar at 11 in the night. Reading is going to come down. Little time for myself. We are going to have a good time, no doubt about that. But I'm going to miss all these. I'm surely going to miss my den. It's been a very special place. And somebody else is going to stay there :-(.


Nag said...

Boy, it's not going to be easy once you lived alone for some time. You know what, when you again join your friends as a roomie, not as an occasional visitor, you feel somebody is trespassing on your time unless you like what they like to be doing. Wish you the entire best buddy. Hoping you'll have some free time at the end of the day for yourself.

CC said...

/* Hoping you'll have some free time at the end of the day for yourself */
Me too hoping :-)
//Do you know how to play guitar?
cheppa kadaraa classes join ayya ani
/* the dog on our oppoiste building stops barking and will have good sleeps:). */
:-)). adi naa nidra chedagottindiraa. anduke revenge kosam nenu guitar konna :-)
/* I do not think you will feel like these when u left us */
:P. When I left u, I felt as relieved as I feel now that I'm leaving the dog :-).