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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My first tag

Smyta tagged me on 8 points about someone :-)

The rules of this tag-game are -
1.The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover
2.Need to mention the sex of the target
3.Tag another 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their comments saying they have been tagged
4. If tagged twice, no need to post again

Very tricky, for a crab. On the one hand, it's too personal to share, and on the other it is fun, writing such things. Anyway, I'm not in my shell right now, so here I go .......

1) Patience - she'll need loads of it, it's very hard to understand and get along with a crab
2) Mind reading - a crab never tells what's on his mind, you've got to figure out yourself :-). But it won't be all that difficult once she gets to understand the signs :P
3) Artistic - need not be a singer/dancer/painter/anything, but she must be able to genuinely appreciate art in any form. (To be more specific, if I play the keyboard, she should be able to identify the tune and appreciate it :P. If I sing, she should be atleast able to hum along). If she can paint, it's a huge bonus :-)
4) Should believe that what we do or where we are doesn't matter as long as we are together
5) Should be a private person, I can't stand crowds or wild parties. But should not be an introvert. I don't think two introverts can like each other anyway :P.
6) Playful, not always but most of the time. Not taking things too seriously. Should be able to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Should try to make life simpler rather than complicating it.
7) Should have a secondary interest in life, myself being the primary one :-)
8) Should know that I'm a selfish *^&^%#&*$& and should be ok with it :P. Shouldn't expect me to do anything to please her all by myself. Shouldn't treat me like a fool when I do try and fail miserably. I'll do anything for her. All she's gotta do is ASK.

But all these things seem so trivial when you really really like a person and want to make them happy.
Can't think of 8 people who would honour this tag, so no use mentioning any names. All the people who read this and want to take it up are welcome to do so.

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