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Monday, January 09, 2006


Vanished from the face of earth last week. Been working for our demo. Now that its over, I can quickly turn back and see what all happenned during this time, apart from the work.
6th Jan was ARR's birthday. Wish he'll celebrate more, with his music getting better every year. Wish he'd come up with a song better than dilse re and sing it himself. Wish he'd visit Bangalore again soon :-).
Same day we had annual day celebrations of our company. Missed it. Never intended to go anyway. Though I wanted to go, had some other things to take care of. Moreover, my body wouldn't permit me to dance and I can't just stand watching while other people are dancing.
Met my nephew when I went to the station to see mother off. He looked good to me, recovered completely. And wasn't he glad to see me. He keeps saying so many things to me, wish I could understand what he wants to say. Wait till he starts talking.
During the weekend, went around looking for a house. Saw three, four houses, liked one. But not sure whether to take it or not. The house is very good, I liked everything, its being too far from the city included. But wondering if we'll face some problems living there, some convenience issues. I felt it would be ideal for a couple, so asked a couple of recently married friends but they were not interested :P. Not sure it would suit bachelors, especially those who are too lazy to cook.
Spent lot of time with my new computer yesterday, after going home. Copied lot of songs. Looking for games to install. And also internet. Tried to record my voice yesterday but couldn't :-(. Got to check whats wrong. Also got to find out how to record midi from my keyboard. I'm excited :-).
Wrote down the lyrics of some of my favorite songs. Was surprised that one song which I liked for it's tune till now also had wonderful lyrics. All night I spent trying to memorise the words, and I slept only after I got it. Will post the lyrics later.
Read about this book Memoirs of a Geisha. Looks interesting. I prefer a book to a movie anyday. Will try to get hold of it. This line is awesome. “Adversity is like a strong wind…it doesn’t just hold us back from places we might otherwise go. It also tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that afterward, we see ourselves as we really are, and not merely as we might like to be."
Interesting post on truth and lies. Want to write something on that. But will have to gather my ideas first :P.
Thats about it. And from now on, hopefully, I can continue without a break till another deadline approaches, or rather we approach another deadline. Wish these lines weren't dead.


CC said...

// Hey u sing?
Yes I do

// and u know keyboard stuff?
Keyboard is a hobby. Actually music is my passion and learning to play instruments is my hobby.

// May be when I come to Bangalore
// and I start a band, you will
// join me?:-)
Only if Im the lead singer of your band ;-)

CC said...

// My long lost dream..of starting a band!
Good luck. Go ahead and rock the world.