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Tuesday, February 28, 2006


A friend got married. Been away all of last week. Been to Eluru after a long time. Had a lot of plans in my mind but none worked out :P. Wanted to visit our college, our room, our theatres and all that. Wanted to get nostalgic. But hardly spent any time there. Whatever time we were there, we were drunk :D. So hardly any nostalgia was there. Lot of booze and an unplanned trip to Tirupathi later, returned to Bangalore. But there was more to do after coming here. Shifted house on sunday. Yet to get settled in the new place. It's horrible as of now. Yesterday, there were lot of things to take care in the office. Later in the evening, went to shop. Another friend is setting up his home. So, there's lot of shopping to do. But returned without buying anything at all :P. Finally, with a lot of pending things cleared, its time to relax and think and make some important decisions regarding career and life in general.

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