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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I'm on Twitter too

But I have no idea why :-)
So, I thought it would be a great idea to list down 10 things I could do on Twitter and then select one of them

10 things I could do on Twitter

10. Give people a peek into my activities - what I'm doing, when and why - nah
9. Post random quotes , own or loan, funny or otherwise - hmm
8. Champion a cause, like Go Green or Save the dogs in Bangalore - not for me
7. Promote telugu language and encourage everybody to talk/write in telugu - in english? are you kidding?
6. Incoherent babble - that sounds interesting and quite feasible
5. Technical writing - ha ha ha
4. Day in office - what's worth writing about in that
3. More such 10 things I could crap - hmmmmm
2. Start random campaigns, like the I want free coffee in office campaign - who gives a damn?
1. Inspirational talk about the art of living and suggestions on how to combat stress and lead a happy life - !@#$#@!@#$@

And the choice that I've made is ........... none
Need to make another list and see if I can pick something from that

I remain
as confused as ever

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