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Thursday, January 18, 2007

What's wrong man No news, no views, no reviews, no gyaan, nothing at all, not even new year wishes and birthday greetings, whats up man? been dead or what? Or you've had enough of me already?

me: No, been very busy with work. And somehow, whenever I used to think of something to write, somehow, it all seemed so very pointless to me Yeah I know, all that talk about life itself being pointless and all that. Cut that crap, get a life. I've had enough of that nonsense

me: Yeah, me too. But somehow I cant help feeling that way. But I guess things are going to change pretty soon, for the better or worse, only time can tell. Really? whats up man? You hiding something from me?

me: May be :-) Come on, you can't do that. Whatever it is, spill it right now

me: Im getting married, next month. God help that poor girl. So you talking to her over the phone and all that?

me: Ofcourse I am. You already started giving her all this shit about life is meaningless kind of stuff?

me: No. Didn't want to scare her from day 1 :-) You say one word like that to her and your whole life is screwed, take it from me. Why can't you just get on with your life normally like everyone else?

me: Must be some sort of manufacturing defect Screw you.

me: You think I'm enjoying this feeling or what? Im trying so hard to get this out of my mind but ...... I'm finding it too hard. It's too easy to talk about starting a new life but it's too fucking hard to let go can and will change everything they say. You just have to be willing enough to let that happen.

me: That's exactly what I'm lacking I think, the will You promise me you'll change after marriage, no matter what, you'll not let any of this affect you in any way. You gotta believe in destiny. You were the one who had so much faith, "there are no unanswered prayers, for some of them, the answer is NO" remember?

me: Yes I remember That's it then. Get on with your life. And dont ever come back to me with your sob stories.

me: Talking to you makes me feel so much better What am I here for :-). By the way, congratulations

me: Thanks. And hope I'll be able to see you more often. Catch you later


Nag said...

Congratulations! Wish you all the best!

picy girl said...

congrats MS:-)...