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Monday, August 21, 2006


from underground. Not yet fully made up my mind about coming out though. Just lost interest in everything and wanted to go underground and sulk for a while. However, August has been a month of marriages, requiring a lot of unwanted socializing. As many as 7 people I know got married, with one more in line, waiting for 27th. I attended the weddings of only two people though. A very close friend was among those, and that gave me a chance to catch up with long lost friends from my school days. That also gave me a chance to visit my native place after a long time :-). Best wishes to all those who tied the knot this month. Apart from that, nothing much has been going on except for a change of job and a change of heart. The second one though, isn't complete and that leaves me as confused as ever, if not more. Recently came across a term, recursive futility while reading this. The author says something like living is futile. blogging more so. reviewing one's own blog is recursive futility at its worst, or something like this. His words seem to echo my thoughts whenever I try to write something here. Leave out the reviewing part, the rest is what I feel whenever I try to write something. Then I close the window and go away to get some tea. Hopefully, I'll get over this soon. Until then, Im going underground again.

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