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Friday, June 23, 2006

Pointless post

Everything seems pointless now a days. How does it matter if Ayn Rand is black coffee or pan galactic whatever. What if Moily takes the example of FIFA world cup to support the quotas? What if quotas are introduced? What if the world is fed to the dogs? Why should one work, run like crazy after money, raise a family, build relationships, play politics, hurt people, when all we get to do in the end is die? Why do people have to argue trying to convince one another? Why do people have to fight and kill? Whats the point in all the TV shows anyway? So what if a movie goes on to be mega hit and another doesnt find any viewers? What if Rahul Mahajan takes drugs and dies? What if people are killing tigers and other wild animals? What if forests are being chopped? Why am I writing this anyway?

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