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Tuesday, December 23, 2008


The naming ceremony of the little fellow born on 22/11/2008 was held on 20/12/08 and henceforth he will be referred to by his name - Srikar Bharadwaj

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Reviewing the news

Just watched storyboard on CNBC TV 18 about reviewing the live news - the reaction to media's coverage of the Mumbai attacks. Good that the media atleast feels responsible enough to do such a review. I agree with Rajdeep that restraint, responsibility and maturity are the need of the hour, not for just media people but everyone including politicians, administrators etc etc. But one thing I did not understand was what the media people are so proud of - we put our staff on the llne, in the field to give you information - what's all that crap about?
There was not an iota of useful information they gave us during that time - I tuned in to find out what was going on and all I got was - reported explosion at CST, firing at some other hospital , no no authorities say everything is fine, no no people are running, panicking.......And I absolutely do not agree with Rajdeep that our reporters lack training - what they lack is sense and sensibility.
Accuracy vs speed - what is more important? I'm sure Rajdeep has learnt a lesson in a very hard way. I hope the bastards at the Times News Network were watching the show., if they were not too busy patting their backs and celebrating the quadrupled viewership ratings. And I wish folks at TV9 telugu would watch this show too