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Tuesday, December 23, 2008


The naming ceremony of the little fellow born on 22/11/2008 was held on 20/12/08 and henceforth he will be referred to by his name - Srikar Bharadwaj

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Reviewing the news

Just watched storyboard on CNBC TV 18 about reviewing the live news - the reaction to media's coverage of the Mumbai attacks. Good that the media atleast feels responsible enough to do such a review. I agree with Rajdeep that restraint, responsibility and maturity are the need of the hour, not for just media people but everyone including politicians, administrators etc etc. But one thing I did not understand was what the media people are so proud of - we put our staff on the llne, in the field to give you information - what's all that crap about?
There was not an iota of useful information they gave us during that time - I tuned in to find out what was going on and all I got was - reported explosion at CST, firing at some other hospital , no no authorities say everything is fine, no no people are running, panicking.......And I absolutely do not agree with Rajdeep that our reporters lack training - what they lack is sense and sensibility.
Accuracy vs speed - what is more important? I'm sure Rajdeep has learnt a lesson in a very hard way. I hope the bastards at the Times News Network were watching the show., if they were not too busy patting their backs and celebrating the quadrupled viewership ratings. And I wish folks at TV9 telugu would watch this show too

Friday, November 28, 2008

Welcome little fellow

Glad you are here at last. I see you took your time, made us wait for two days before stepping into this world. That trait you must be inheriting from me, doing things only when you feel like doing :-) Now we are going to grow up together and I hope I will be able to offer you the best of whatever it is that you need. Undoubtedly, a lot of my time would be devoted to you
and I hope that you are going to like that as much as a lot of other kids who grew up right infront of my eyes. Once again welcome and have a great life

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Leaving today

to welcome a new arrival into this world and our family :-) Who's it going to be? What's it going to be like? Though merely 10 days ago I held a just born baby in my hands, can't say I felt anything other than may be a little happiness for a dear friend who got what he wanted. Again. Will tomorrow be any different? Would I also go through that feeling that can't possibly be explained in words when a father sees his kid for the first time? I'll find out soon enough

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Congrats Little Master

No matter what any body says, you ARE the BEST. It's really unbelievable that you still have the passion and desire to go on even after 20 glorious years of cricket. All the best and keep the runs coming

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Best wishes

for a very happy married life. You know I really hate having to miss your wedding and you know why I have to. Whenever we plan too much for something, fate sees to it that it doesn't happen. Whatever. See you in Bangalore.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

What am I doing

Enjoying my freedom watching lot of movies

A Wednesday - good
What happens in Vegas - ok
Saw 4 - Great
Rock on - good
1920 - waste
phoonk - waste

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Why Now

It's 4:54 AM. Just not able to sleep. Don't know why. Tried for quite some time. Finally gave up and decided to play a game of AOE. But then thought I'll put it on record that I was not able to sleep on 28th of April and switched on my computer at 4:50 AM :-)

Sunday, April 13, 2008


intha uruku intha parugu endukoraku ani adakku
gamaname nee gamyamaithe baata lone bathuku doruku

Nice .... Somehow it's stuck in my mind.....

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Wishing everybody and their mother in law a very happy, prosperous and joyous year